Pawar Public School
World Environment Day
Calendar Activities
Class - 1 - 4
World Art Day is celebrated on 15th April every year as an homage to the famous artist, Leonardo Da Vinci’s birthday. It served as a colourful and creative start as it was the first activity of the new academic year. The students under the guidance of their mentors i.e., our Art teachers showcased their artistic side by creating vibrant pieces of art.
World Art Day
World environment day is celebrated on 5th of June every year which is a part of the summer vacation but let not the holidays deter us from celebrating and cherishing our environment. The students of Pawar Public School celebrated the World Environment Day in the second week of June when the school reopened after the summer vacation. The students sowed seeds in the vegetable garden and made creative and heartfelt posters to create awareness about the environment and the need to go green.
International Yoga Day
International Day of Yoga is celebrated on 21st June. ‘Yoga’ a world-renowned form of exercise for physical and mental well-being originated in ancient India. The students participated in the International Yoga Day celebration with great vigour and enthusiasm. Our students were keen on attempting and mastering most of the asanas whether it be simple ‘shavasan’ or the complex pose of ‘vrukshasan’. Our PE teachers made sure that all the students were encouraged and guided to participate in the International Yoga Day activity.
Hindi Recitation Activity
छात्रों के मन को लुभानेवाला तथा उनका आनंद व्यक्त करने वाला विषय है– ' कविता गायन '। छात्रों की इसी रुचि को ध्यान में रखते हुए, दिनांक 30.06.22 को कविता गायन प्रतियोगिता आयोजित हुई। कक्षा 1, 2 तथा 3 के छात्रों ने बड़ी संख्या में इस प्रतियोगिता में भाग लिया। हास्य कविता, प्रकृति पर कविता, आधुनिक विषय पर कविता आदि विभिन्न विषयों पर छात्रों ने कविता गायन प्रस्तुत किया। छात्रों ने अपनी कविता से संबंधित वस्तुओं / चित्रों के साथ कविता गायन प्रस्तुत किया। छात्रों की इस मनोरंजक प्रस्तुति का भरपूर आनंद कक्षा के छात्रों ने उठाया। छात्रों की एक से बढ़कर एक प्रस्तुति का पंचों के रूप में आए अध्यापकों द्वारा पर्यवेक्षण भी किया गया।
Little Crafter's Week
“The artist is not a special kind of person rather each person is a special kind of artist”. Keeping this thought in mind, we celebrated and dedicated an entire week to the creative inklings of our students wherein they presented various forms of craft works using a variety of materials ranging from paper, bottles, waste scraps, household items and many more. The students surprised us with their craft skills and surpassed our expectations.
Raksha Bandhan Activity
The students of class 1, 2 and 3 gave an entirely new dimension to the festival of ‘Raksha Bandhan” by vowing to protect the trees and nature around us. The Art teachers encouraged the students to make individual “Rakhis’ for their siblings and also guided them for a group activity of making jumbo rakhi for the trees around us. Thus, emphasizing that let’s extend our circle of protection not only to our near and dear ones but also to Mother Nature.
Fancy Dress Competition
Independence Day Celebration
Solo Singing
Karaoke Singing Competition
Onam Celebration
Onam is an annual harvest festival celebrated in the state of Kerala. India is the epitome of unity in diversity and cultural variety. The Onam celebration on 8th September by the students of class 1, 2, and 3 was full of fun and galore highlighting the cultural diversity of India. The students adorned the classroom corridors with colourful floral rangolis. The infectious enthusiasm of the students motivated the teachers as well to be an active participant of this celebration.
National Sports Day
National Sports day is celebrated on 29th August to commemorate the birth anniversary of Major Dhyan Chand, the hockey wizard of India. This year our PE teacher strived hard to organize and celebrate the National Sports Day. The 1st graders performed the mass drill glamoured with colourful pom poms, the students of grade 2 performed exercises using props like dumbbells and ribbons while the grade 3 students used an assortment of props like hoola hoops, pom poms etc. The celebration concluded with teachers enlightening students about the importance of assimilation of physical education and sports in our everyday lifestyle.
हिंदी दिवस समारोह
१४ सितंबर के दिन ' हिंदी दिवस समारोह ' का आयोजन किया गया। विभिन्न कार्यक्रमों में छात्रों का उल्लास उच्च श्रेणी पर था। शोभायात्रा से समारोह का आरंभ हुआ। हिंदी भाषा के गौरव में नारे लगाए गए, नारों से पाठशाला गूँज उठी थी। सभागृह में आते ही प्रार्थना और प्रतिज्ञा से कार्यक्रम शुरू हुआ। भाषण, दोहा गायन, समूहगान, नृत्य और नुक्कड़ नाटक जैसे एक से बढ़कर एक कार्यक्रमों का प्रदर्शन हुआ। कक्षा के दौरान भी हिंदी क्रियाकलापों का छात्रों ने आनंद उठाया, जैसे— अपना नाम या नाम के पहले अक्षर को सुशोभित करना, शब्द अंताक्षरी आदि।
निज भाषा उन्नति अहै, सब उन्नति को मूल, बिन निज भाषा-ज्ञान के, मिटन न हिय को सूल’।
इस दोहे का अर्थ समझते हुए हिंदी दिवस के उपलक्ष्य में जिन कार्यक्रमों का प्रदर्शन हुआ उसमें छात्रों ने उत्साह दिखाया। छात्र मंच पर खुलकर बोले और हिंदी भाषा के प्रति अपने विचारों को उजागर किया।
Fancy Dress Competition
Independence Day Celebration
The Fancy dress competition and Independence Day celebration were a part of the ‘KNOW YOUR COUNTRY WEEK’ celebrated from 8th August to 12th August. Throughout this week the teachers discussed the various aspects of our country like national elements, the story of our freedom struggle, the current national leaders and our freedom fighters with the students in a fun filled way. The Fancy Dress competition had different themes for each grade i.e., National Elements of India, Unforgettable Heroes of the Indian Independence and Inspiring social message for the grades 1. 2 & 3 respectively. We had the maximum participation for this activity and the students surpassed our expectations with regards to their performances. The air of celebration carried on throughout the week as students drew and coloured the national flag while keeping in mind the national theme of ‘HAR GHAR TIRANGA’ for this Independence Day. The week concluded with a joyous and heartfelt Independence Day celebration on the 12th August, Friday.
Hindi Divas Video
Music is the food for the mind and soul. The Solo singing competition of class 1 & 2 and the Karaoke singing competition of class 3 witnessed the singing prowess of the future stalwarts of the music industry. The students presented an assortment of songs, be it classical, contemporary or devotional in diverse languages.
*Note - Please click on the images/videos to see them individually except for the collages.
Navratri Celebration
Navratri festival was celebrated with vibrant spirit. Teachers explained the importance of the nine days of Navratri and Dussehra alongwith the entire story behind the celebrations of Navratri, Children were asked to wear traditional dress on the day and danced to the tunes of various songs with the dandiya sticks and enjoyed playing the Dandiya raas. The celebration would be cherished by the students forever.
Joy of Giving week
Joy of giving (now called the ‘Daan Utsav’) has been a great initiative by our school to inculcate the spirit of philanthropy in the students. On 3/10/20, Monday a ppt presentation on Joy of giving was shared in the classes, to explain the importance of philanthropy.
Teachers motivated their students to donate essentials to the needy. Many teachers, parents and students contributed generously for this cause. The school donated the grocery, stationery, books etc. to various NGO’s like Gurukul Shikshan Sanstha, DoRBit (Do Your Bit Foundation), AROH (A Ray of Hope Charitable Trust) and Mamta Foundation.
Lastly, a few gifts and beautiful cards made by students were given to the helpers in the school to express their gratitude.
In this way, the ‘Joy of giving’ activities were conducted to encourage civic responsibility and inculcate the spirit of giving back to the community. The activities also helped to develop the feeling of empathy towards fellow- beings.
Diwali, the festival of lights was celebrated with great pomp and splendour in the school. The clay diyas and the drawing cutouts of diyas were given to the students to paint and decorate as per their creativity and choice. The students decorated their classes and it gave a festive look to every classroom. Teachers shared a video on the 5 days festival of Diwali and explained the reason behind the celebration. Students shared with each other the snacks they had brought for the Diwali party . It was a memorable celebration.
Children's Day
On14th November the Children’s Day was celebrated to pay tribute to our first Prime Minister Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru. Teachers took this occasion as an opportunity to present their talent and bring a smile on every child’s face. Amazing mascot Mickey Mouse and cartoon character Chutki from Chota Bheem entertained the children with their dance, a song and a puppet show ‘The Young Plant Skit’, a dance presentation and the wall climbing activity by the teachers left the students awestruck and they cheered the teachers to perform once more. The students then enjoyed movie time along with their friends and chocolates were distributed to the students, who enjoyed every moment of the day.
English Story Telling Competition
Storytelling helps students to know their capability of unique expressiveness and can heighten their ability to articulate their thoughts and feelings in a lucid manner. The students of Class 1 came up with wonderful tales and appropriate props and models to make their story more attractive and effective.The ideas were superb and claimed a lot of applause from the friends and teachers.
Christmas Celebration
To set a perfect example of secularism, and to make the children aware about different cultures and festivals the Christmas celebration was organized in our school on 23/12/22. The Art department, Music department and the Pre-primary teachers worked in coordination and made the backdrop, arranged and trained for the music and the songs and the set-up for the nativity scene to be performed by the students. The students made beautiful crafts of Christmas tree and Santa Claus cap as a take-away during their art period. On 23rd December the programme began with carol singing followed by the songs. The students enacted the skit of the birth of Jesus Christ and welcomed Santa Claus with a dance performance.
Solo Dance Competition
The students of Class 1,2,3 had a Dance Competition based on the theme ‘State Folk Dances’. The enthusiastic students presented various dance forms of different states. They dressed up in vibrant colours and portrayed the ‘Unity in Diversity’ of our country India.
Republic day Celebration
The Pre-Republic Day was celebrated on 25th January 2023 in the school premises. The students of Class 3 gave a speech in English and Hindi to explain the importance of Republic Day. It was followed with the presentation of a patriotic song under the guidance of the music department. The song ‘Mil ke chalo, Mil ke Chalo,’ was melodious and musical with the sound of various instruments played along. A mass drill was organised by the PE department. Lastly, the vote of thanks was given by a student from Class 3.
Mathemagic Week
Many activities related to Math subject were taken during the week to make the learning of Math enjoyable and fun-filled. Students first learnt about great mathematicians through the ppt presentation. They had different models made on the topics like addition, subtraction, multiplication,place value and different shapes.
Jagatik Marathi Bhasha Din
Jagatik Marathi Bhasha Din was celebrated on February 27 in remembrance of the eminent Marathi Senior poet Shri Vishnu Vaman Shirwadkar known by his pen name Kusumagraj. The dignitaries were welcomed to the venue through lezim dance. The students sang a melodious welcome song and started the programme. It was followed by speeches in Marathi by students dressed up as Jija Mata and Shivaji Maharaj. The Marathi ballad ‘Powada’ was amazing to watch. The students and teachers were enthralled by the ‘NatyaChata' presentation. The ‘Balgeet’ and ‘Marathi Abhang’ were much appreciated. Lastly, the programme ended with ‘Pasaydan’ (a prayer sung for the welfare of human beings) written by great Marathi poet Sant Dnyaneshwar. This programme threw light on the rich and exemplary literature of Marathi language.