Pawar Public School
पतंगाची प्रतिकृती तयार करणे, नदी प्रदूषणाची कारणे आणि उपाय यावर गट चर्चा .
Flower School
An activity in which students drew the structure of a flower and labelled its parts to understand about them.
Shikara Activity
In this activity, students drew the famous houseboats of Kerala and Kashmir and researched about them. This gave them an idea about the famous things of other states.
Volcano Model Making
Students made a working model of a volcano and labelled its parts. Though this they could research, understand and get to know more about volcanoes.
Comic strip about noise pollution
Large Numbers of
Indian Population
Factor Tree
Bird Activity
Students made cut outs of a tree and wrote a number to be factorised at the top. The factors were then written below in product form. This allowed them to recall divisibility rules and multiplication and division of two numbers.
Physical & Health Education
Cricket inter-house competition
Dodgeball inter-house competition
Class Activity
Rocks and minerals
Activities - Parts of Seeds
Activity to understand the structure of the Earth.An Activity to help students learned about navigation scale and positioning of land masses.To help students gather knowledge about ideology and lifestyle of great personalites.
Great Personalities
कविता गायन
विद्यार्थी कविता कृतीयुक्त व अभिनय करून गायन करतात |
अनुच्छेद लेखन
जब सपने में मैं एलियन से मिला ...
रोल प्ले - बच्चों को कचहरी
Students' Corner
(Double-click on each image to get a better view of the write-ups)
(Click on the arrows to see more write-ups)
Globe Making Activity
अपने अनुभवों एवं कल्पनाओं को सृजनात्मक ढंग लिखने का मौका दिया गया जिसके द्वारा विद्यार्थियों के भीतर छिपे रचनात्मक कौशल उभर आए | आवरण पृष्ठ तथा अंतिम पृष्ठ को रचनात्मकता से सजाने का मौका दिया गया जिसके द्वारा विद्यार्थियों ने सृजनात्मकता का गुण दिखाया |
-पढ़ी -लिखी- सुनी -देखी-समझी गई भाषा का सृजनशील प्रयोग देखने को मिला, जिसे विद्यार्थियों ने बहुत मज़े से आनंद उठाते हुए प्रदर्शित किया |
-विद्यार्थियों ने अपने स्वतंत्र विचारों से अनुच्छेद लेखन को संपन्न किया |
-नारा एक ऐसा वाक्य या शब्द है जो समूह के लोगों की जुबान पर चढ़ जाता है और लोगों को प्रेरित करने की क्षमता रखता है। इसकी हर एक शब्द में शक्ति होती है जो मन को अचूक प्रभाव डालती है जिससे मनुष्य के हृदय में जनमानस छा जाता है। मौलिकता, रचनात्मकता व आकर्षक शब्दों का प्रयोग करके विद्यार्थियों ने प्रभावशाली नारे बनाए |
Students will know the different parts of a seed.
Students will understand the arrangement of molecules in different states of matter.
A creative way to represent the different types of rocks.
A creative way to show how rain water gets harvested.
Parts of Seeds
Arrangement of Molecules
Different Types of Rocks
Rain Water Harvesting
*Note - Please click on the images/videos to see them individually except for the collages.
Explained the SST concept through presentation.
Learning outcome - Confidence building, Team spirit , Creativity.
Project Presentation
Used plastic bags accumulate in the environment and pollute the land and water. The best thing to do therefore is to stop using plastic bags.
Go green
Making Building Blocks using 3-D Shapes
In this activity, students were encouraged to combine their knowledge of 3-D shapes with the activity, where they made 3-D shapes (blocks) using card sheets/cardboard. These blocks were later piled as a building or castle of their choice.
Here Mathematical knowledge was Integrated with art.
Upon completion of this activity, students were able to:
*identify 3D objects
*define 3 dimensional
*classify items according to different types of 3D objects
1. The students shot a video, making buttermilk by themselves.
2. The students enacted the play showing the story they learnt.
1. The students learnt the availability of buttermilk in different parts of the country.
2. The students learned how to be fair and appreciative.
Video of making buttermilk
Play (Robinhood and John Little)
कविता के ऐसा माध्यम है जिसके द्वारा भावनाएँ व्यक्त की जाती है | इस में भाव बोध और सौंदर्य बोध होता है | कविता, लय और शब्दावली तथा बच्चों के रचनात्मकता से श्रोताओं का ध्यान आकर्षित किया गया |
कविता गायन
मराठी लेखक परिचय आणि मराठी दिवस
मुलांनी मराठी लेखक व त्यांच्या साहित्यांचा परिचय करून दिला.
मराठी लेखक व त्यांच्या साहित्यांचा विद्यार्थ्यांना परिचय झाला. मराठी साहित्य वाचण्यासाठी विद्यार्थ्यांना प्रोत्सहन मिळाले.
विद्यार्थी कविता कृतीयुक्त व अभिनय करून गायन करतात |