Pawar Public School
Education is not only learning the facts, but the training of the mind to think.
- Albert Einstein
This April, the start of the school year seemed more overwhelming than ever before. Everyone could see the feelings of excitement and joy among the children, parents and teachers, as we had started our journey from the ‘New normal’ back to the ‘Old normal’.
After the two years of online classes, which were challenging for children, parents and teachers, the willingness to go back to normal offline classes was very high and everyone was ready to follow the safety rules which were set by the government.
All the teachers worked very hard to have a smooth transition from online classes to the offline classes.
We planned many activities in this term which helped children in their holistic development like colouring activity, English rhyme recitation activity etc. We also had celebrations like Eid, Raksha Bandhan, Independence Day which motivates students to know more about the culture and tradition.
We also had a ‘A Day with Mom and Dad’ where all the parents participated enthusiastically in all the activities and games.
Children have started enjoying coming to the school and to cater their enthusiasm we had various activities lined up in the planner for this term.
-Jr.KG Section Incharge-
Rupali Nagare
*Note - Please click on the images to see them individually.
Subject Activity
Letter puzzle activity:
When solving a puzzle, children had to look at different pieces and fit the picture with the correct letter. Doing this regularly helps to improve visual-spatial reasoning. This kind of activities improve the ability to creatively solve problems and think critically.
Letter recognition activity:
Letters were introduced to the children with help of story PPT’s and phonic sounds. An interactive activity was done after the introduction where students were asked to jump on the letters. This session helped them understand the letters and enabled them to recognize each letter.
Letter tracing activity:
This activity was planned to improve the pre-writing skills. Special slates which have letters engraved in it were given to children and they traced the letters to learn the correct formation of letters.
Two Letter Paper Cup Activity (Game):
These word family paper cups are quick and easy to make and are a super-effective hands-on learning tool for teaching phonics, familiar sound and spelling patterns. Paper cups with two letter words written on it were placed on the table. A small ball was hidden under a cup, children had to guess the cup with the hidden ball by reading the two-letter phonic sound written on it. It was a perfect hands-on learning tool for teaching phonics in small groups.
Vowels Activity:
Story on vowels taken by the teacher to explain which letters are vowels and why they are different from other letters. This vowel activity helped the children to make a foundation for reading and writing the word correctly.
Subject Activity
Campus Walk:
Campus walk gives the opportunity to explore various places and campus of the school. We planned this activity to show children the school campus, canteen, library, play area, toy room and
also various classroom of the school. They got the opportunity to walk through to school and to be familiar to the school premises. They enjoyed a lot during this activity.
Seed Germination:
This activity was planned to make kids aware about the process of germination. Kids bought empty container from home and they put soil in the pot and sowed the seeds in it. The kids really enjoyed doing the activity and were excited to see the plants grow.
Traffic signal:
Traffic signal works on light signals which includes three colours. This activity helped children understand what each colour indicates. In this activity children used the red, yellow and green coloured circle shape cut outs to make a traffic signal.
Doll house Activity:
Teachers organised the Doll house in the toy room for children. They explored the rooms of the house. They were very happy and enjoyed the activity. This was a fun activity for the topic 'Rooms of the house'.
Fruits and Vegetables:
Things we get from plants:
This activity was conducted to make children understand that many of the things which we use in daily life, we get them from plants. For this activity teachers displayed the things which we get from plants.
Modes of Transport:
In this activity teacher gave flash cards of different types of vehicles to the students. Then teacher asked them to sort the flashcards according to their modes of transport.
Day and night activity was planned in such a manner that helped children to differentiate between the activities done in day and night, and they also explored about nocturnal animals. It was observed that children were able to classify daytime and night time sky objects and they were also able to communicate the changes that occur in the sky during the day.
Nocturnal Activity:
The topic of nocturnal animals is an exciting and engaging theme in the kindergarten classroom. This activity was planned as a recap of nocturnal animals which helped children to develop fine motor skills and strengthen their ability to concentrate for a longer period.
Day and Night Activity:
This activity was done as a recap of the topic - day and night. Painting is great for developing fine motor skills. Holding a paintbrush strengthens a child's thumb and forefinger grip.
Hot and cold activity:
Sensory play encourages learning through exploration, curiosity, problem solving and creativity. Activity was planned to develop proper understanding of hot and cold and it was a great way to encourage children to touch, think and explore. It was a wonderful activity to encourage communication and language comprehension. We were not just saying the words “hot” and “cold,” we’re really feeling it!
Healthy and Junk food activity:
A sorting activity of ‘Healthy and Junk food’ was done during the revision session. Children sorted the healthy and junk food pictures and pasted it accordingly. This hands-on activity helped them to understand the topic clearly through visual recognition.
Hand wash activity:
Hand washing can become a lifelong healthy habit, if we start teaching it at an early age. Kids followed the five easy steps for hand washing—wet, lather, scrub, rinse and dry—and the key times to wash hands, such as after using the bathroom or before eating.
Role play on Community Helpers:
Role play activity helps students to express their views and emotions towards community helpers. This role play on community helpers too helped them with developing their communication skills. It provides a real world scenario to help students learn, motivate and engage.
Drawing (Ambulance):
Children followed the teacher’s instructions to draw an ambulance. They also learned the emergency number for calling an ambulance and wrote the same on the ambulance. This activity enables children to improve fine motor skill, hand –eye coordination and social awareness.
Community Helpers and their tools (Matching Activity):
Teachers took the recap of community helpers and the tools they use with the help of flashcards. This activity helped children to develop their vocabulary and also they learned about different professions and their tools.
Firefighter Puppet Making:
Children used different cutouts to make firefighter puppets. They wrote 101 numbers on a puppet. This activity enhanced collaboration, critical thinking and creativity of children. It also developed their social skills.
Hot Air Balloon Activity:
Explaining that air exists is an abstract idea. So, the concept is challenging for kids who learn in concrete ways for the first several years of their life. We can’t see air, but we know it exists and takes up space. So, this experiment was taken with a paper cup and balloon to show that air exists and helps to move things.
Subject Activity
After number Activity:
Teacher prepared a chart for this activity in which children had to identify which number comes after the given number and then they had to pick the flashcard of the correct number and stick on the chart. This activity was done to improve the numerical skills.
Count and match activity:
This activity was planned to improve number recognition and number sequence. In this activity children played a game in which they counted the dots on a ladybug and matched the ladybug with the correct number.
Shape activity:
Teachers planned this activity for Children to recognise the triangle shape and also paper pasting helped to develop their fine motor skills. In this activity children pasted different coloured triangles to make a fish. The kids did the activity well with their imagination and also helped them understand and recognise different shapes.
1.Shape: Semicircle
Learning shapes helps children to differentiate between objects. It was observed that children were able to differentiate shapes from one another and identify semicircle shapes. They learned to pay attention to the details that distinguish shapes.
2.Shape Diamond:
Shapes are an important step towards literacy and math skills. This activity helped children to identify and organize visual information. This activity was taken in a fun way to help children to learn about diamond shape. Children were delighted to wear diamond-man hand bands.
Concept of Over and under:
The objective of this activity was to increase student’s vocabulary through play way method. They were able to understand and describe the positions of objects using the terms over and under.
3. Star Shape activity:
There are many important benefits of learning about shapes:First, shape recognition and discerning shapes provides the building blocks for a strong foundation in mathematical reasoning. Through this activity (necklace) students learned to discern the similarities and differences between the basic shapes which they are using in early math skills.
4.Heart Shape Activity:
Learning shapes and colours helps children to distinguish and sort out visual data. Children made beautiful and fluffy hearts in drawing books. This activity helped children to identify and organize visual information for shape and colour.
Before and After numbers with Number Wheel:
Learning what numbers come before and after one another helps children understand the value of all the numbers. This helps them to have a sense of numbers in their mind, and it also helps them to improve their counting skills. Number counting is a basic math skill that helps children to recognize the order of the numbers. With the help of a number wheel before and after numbers were taken, which helps them to improve their counting skills.
Between numbers Activity:
Counting before, after, and between numbers improves the child's counting skills. Number counting is a basic math skill that helps children to recognize the order of the numbers. Between numbers were taken with car racing track activity.