Pawar Public School
Say No to War, Glimpses of the Past, T-shirt Slogan
Say No to War - A creative way through which students could understand the damage done by violence and importance of peace.
Glimpses of the Past - An activity through which students collected information on the historical events that led to independence of India. With the help of creative ideas like art and music, they made the project a success.
T-Shirt Slogan -A fun activity for students to explore their creativity with the help of slogan, calligraphy and painting.
Comic Book Based on Linear Equations in One Variable
The students were asked to frame their own word problems based on the three different departments of the school. They used their creativity in framing the problems and were able to form their own equations for the problems.
Lippan Craft Activity
Independence Day Craft Activity
Database Creation in MS Access
Students' Corner
(Double-click on each image to get a better view of it)
(Click on the arrows to see more write-ups)
1. Creating Python programs using For Loop and While Loop
Students can write different types of Python programs using iterative statements. They learnt and understood Looping concept.
2. Database creation with MS Access 2019, creating tables, entering records, sorting, filtering and searching records
Students created new database in MS Access 2019 and created multiple tables in it. They can enter records in the tables, sort, filter and also search records from the table. They learnt about primary key and foreign key.
संधि और समास में अंतर जानकर उनका प्रयोग रोजमर्रा के जिंदगी में इस्तेमाल करना सीखा |
माइंड मैपिंग एक ऐसी तकनीक है जिसमें आप रंगों और डायग्राम तथा चार्ट की मदद से किसी भी विषय को लंबे समय तक याद रख सकते हैं | इसी तकनीकी का इस्तेमाल करके यह गतिविधि संपन्न हुई |
मुलांनी त्यांच्या आवडत्या घाटाचे चित्र काढून त्याविषयी माहिती लिहली. पर्यावरणाबद्दल जागरूकता निर्माण झाली.
*Note - Please click on the images/videos to see them individually except for the collages.
* Understand the rationale for learning about plant diversity and conservation to administer the region.
* Analyze the purpose of writing report for learning type of soil, flora and fauna etc.
* Understand the importance of non-conventional energy and its potential. Analyse the making of solar panels
and their utility.
* Identify the soil horizons. Making of 2D/3D soil profile model and understanding the factors of soil formation.
* Understand that functioning democracy depends on active, informed citizens.
* Understand the ultimate authority for making laws in any country is the Parliament.