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Class 7


Facts about Elephants and Squirrels

The students had to collect fun facts to correlate it to the lessons they were learning about these animals.


The students were asked to compute multiplication of a fraction by a fraction. They represented the products of decimal numbers on a square by drawing horizontal or vertical lines. This helped them understand the concept of multiplication of decimals.

They also made a working model of different sets of numbers which show the types of numbers and their properties. As the wheel rotates, numbers appear. This helped them identify different types of numbers with their properties.

Multiplication of Decimals and Number Wheel with Extended Numbers


Chemical and physical changes and compounds in everyday life. Students will understand the uses of compounds used in everyday life by gathering different products from their surrondings. 




Weather Calendar


शेतातील अवजारे , व्याकरण (विकारी व अविकारी शब्द)

मुलांनी  शेतातील अवजारे यांची माहिती घेवून त्याचे मॉडल तयार केले अणि सर्जनशीलता दाखवली .
व्याकरणाची माहिती घेवून विकारी अणि अविकारी शब्दांचे घर बनवले जेणेकरून त्यातील फरक ओळखता येईल.  

क्रिया कलाप


Number System, Charts in Excel

Students learnt about different Functions  and Formulas and were able to do different  types of calculations by using them. They  created various charts to display the data in  pictorial form. They can easily compare the  data, understand the trend

by looking at the  chart. They can sort, filter and consolidate  data. 

2. Students learnt about different number  systems, their base and conversion/reconversion of numbers from  one number system to another.


 Welfare Schemes of Indian Government

An activity to assess and compile important government welfare programmes which aimed at  poverty alleviation; ensure food security;  generate self-employment; and  provide healthcare facilities.


Rulers of Delhi

Students' Corner

(Double-click on images to get a better view of the write-up)

Comic Strip on Three Questions

A fun way to review certain conversations in the lesson 'Three Questions'. 

Pin the Nose on Golu

A creative way to revise the dialogues between Golu and the other animals in the lesson. 


Photosynthesis Activity

Landforms on Earth

An activity to give students a better understanding about different landforms and to be sensitive to the need for conservation of  flora and fauna.


The students with the help of models of different ecosystems described different components of the environment and the interrelationship between them.


An activity to identify and understand the difference between types of rocks by referring to their properties and methods of formation.

Role Play

An activity to identify assumptions, biases, prejudices, and stereotypes about various aspects related to gender discrimination.

Persian Wheel

An activity to understand the history and importance of the persian wheel in agriculture. 

सुनी अथवा पढ़ी रचनाओं (हास्य, साहसिक, सामाजिक आदि विषयों पर आधारित दोहे आदि) की विषय वस्तु घटनाओं, चित्रों और पात्रों, शीर्षक आदि के बारे में बातचीत करते हुए   दोहे लेखन गतिविधि संपन्न हुई | 

विविध प्रकार की सामग्री (अखबार ,बाल साहित्य, पोस्टर आदि) में आए संवेदनशील बिंदुओं पर (मौखिक/लिखित) अभिव्यक्ति करते हुए विविध प्रांत और वहाँ की स्वादिष्ट मिठाईयों के रंगबिरंगी चित्र बनाकर तथा शब्दभंडार समृद्ध करके गतिविधि संपन्न हुई |  


*Note - Please click on the images/videos to see them individually except for the collages.

The Journey of a T-Shirt

Learnt the journey of a T-shirt from scratch to a finished product. 

Learning outcome - Creative Thinking, Designing, Decision Making.

 Activity/Project description-   Pythagoras theorem activity  based on pythagoras property, Spinning wheel of Laws of exponent and powers revises all the laws of exponents and power, by cutting papers to make 3-D shapes with nets.

Learning outcome - Mathematical approach, playway learning, creative thinking

 Pythagoras theorem activity, Spinning wheel of Laws of exponent and powers, Making 3-D shapes with nets.

मराठी कवींचा परिचय आणि मराठी दिवस

मुलांनी मराठी कवी व त्यांच्या साहित्यांचा परिचय करून दिला.

 मराठी कवी व त्यांच्या साहित्यांचा विद्यार्थ्यांना परिचय झाला. मराठी कविता वाचण्यासाठी विद्यार्थ्यांना प्रोत्सहन मिळाले.

 विज्ञापन    (Advertisement)  

विज्ञापन एक माध्यम है, ग्राहकों को अपनी ओर आकर्षित करके वस्तु को बेचने का। दूसरे शब्दों में – किसी उत्पाद अथवा सेवा को बेचने अथवा प्रवर्तित करने के उद्देश्य से किया जाने वाला जनसंचार, विज्ञापन (Advertisement) कहलाता है। विज्ञापन विक्रय कला का एक नियंत्रित जनसंचार माध्यम है। छात्रगणों ने अपनी नई नई  कल्पनाओं से विज्ञापन बनाए | 

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