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Master Chef

A hands-on experience activity for students to demonstrate their mathematical, culinary, and speaking abilities. The students planned a nutritious menu, calculated the cost of each dish they prepared, and presented it.

Please click on the buttons to view the videos 

Master Chef

Reflection and Refraction

Mind map help to make new connections between ideas. This is useful when you have problems to solve.

समास, विज्ञापन और सूचना लेखन 

Scroll Painting


Independence Day Activity


Generating Table of Contents using Open Office Writer

Students created spreadsheet in  OpenOffice Calc where they created  different scenarios regarding interest calculation. They inserted hyperlinks for  different websites in the spreadsheet


मुलांनी त्यांच्या आवडत्या शास्त्रज्ञाबद्दल माहिती आणि त्यांचे शोध याची माहिती मांडली.

 मुलांना वेगवेळ्या शास्त्रज्ञ आणि त्यांनी लावलेले शोध यांची माहिती झाली.

Physical Education

Social Studies

Poster Making

Timeline And National Symbols

Students' Corner

Write Ups (English )

(Double-click on each image to get a better view of it)

(Click on the arrows to see more write-ups)



Lab Activities

Make a Warli art using similar triangles concept

Warli paintings use geometric shapes mostly a circle, a square and a triangle. These geometric shapes depict different elements of nature. Our grade X students were enthusiastic to apply their knowledge for the activity to make a Warli art using similar triangles concept. 

Lab Activities

Probability Game

Solar Panel


Economics  Cheque Activity

Motive of conducting this activity was to enhance the creativity of students with designing patterns. Make them understand how to write cheque through the designing activity.


An activity in which students can express themselves creatively. A novel approach to appreciate nature.

Types of Chemical Reactions

Detection of pH of given samples

Properties Of Acid

Lab Activities


 समास  प्रयोग रोजमर्रा के जिंदगी में इस्तेमाल करना सीखा | माइंड मैपिंग एक ऐसी तकनीक है जिसमें आप रंगों और डायग्राम तथा चार्ट की मदद से किसी भी विषय को लंबे समय तक याद रख सकते हैं | इसी तकनीकी का इस्तेमाल करके यह गतिविधि संपन्न हुई | 

 विद्यार्थियों ने  उपभोक्ताओं को आकर्षित तथा प्रभावित करने के लिए  समझदारी के साथ रंग-बिरंगी ,अत्यंत उपयोगी व महत्त्वपूर्ण विज्ञापन गतिविधि प्रस्तुत की | 


कम से कम शब्दों में दी जाने वाली जानकारी जो लघु रूप में औपचारिक शैली में लिखी जाती है, उसे सूचना लेखन कहा जाता है।सूचना लेखन संक्षिप्त लेखन की एक विद्या है, जिसके माध्यम से विद्यार्थियों के व्याकरणिक दृष्टि से शुद्ध हिंदी लेखन कौशल के साथ-साथ संक्षिप्त रूप में उनके विचारों की स्पष्ट अभिव्यक्ति संबंधी क्षमता का भी आकलन किया गया | 

*Note - Please click on the images/videos to see them individually except for the collages.

  A Visit to ICICI Bank 

A bank visit was organized for class 10 students in the first week of September to help them understand how banks play an integral part of the economic system . This bank visit helped the children understand the role of money . Children were shown a typical bank setup as well as the departments in the bank . Bank authorities taught the children the procedure of opening an account, issuing a demand draft/cheque, disbursing a loan, using forex services, opening locker accounts, etc. and modern banking technology including online banking. They were also made aware of the risks of fraud, fake calls and messages regarding the bank and how to be safe from them and promptly notify the bank. Children were taught the importance of ATM pins and why they should not be shared with others.

Economics  Consumer Awareness Activity

A simple definition of consumer awareness is the act of ensuring that the buyers or customers are aware
of the information on products, goods, services, and consumer rights. It’s crucial for consumers to be
informed so that they can choose wisely and at the appropriate moment.
Consumer awareness and rights are thoroughly covered in the skit presented by Grade 10th students.
Thus students were made aware of one’s consumer production laws, improved techniques, and
consumer rights, such as the right to protection of one’s health and safety from goods and services that
consumers purchase and the right to information about the cost, quality, quantity, potency, and
standard of goods.
Students were divided into three groups to present skits:

“Buyers Beware; Be aware of your rights; An alert consumer is a safe consumer"

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